Bed Kit

The best choice for a comfortable deep sleep that gets you up and running the next day.

Bed Time: Marjoram helps you to sleep
Clear Mind: Lavender helps you stop to overthink
Morning Boost: Ylang-ylang gets you up full of energy on the second day



Marjoram: Stress and anxiety are two main causes that result in insomnia. Chemical constituents present in marjoram essential oil produce soothing effects that relax the nerves and muscles surrounding the brain. This herb is nervine (strengthens the nervous system) produce happy hormones and promotes a good mood without increasing alertness, which results in a good sleep. Marjoram essential oil is therefore known to fight insomnia.

Lavender: linalyl acetate and β – linalool are major components of lavender essential oil. These compounds can be rapidly absorbed through the body by inhalation. Linalyl acetate has a narcotic action and linalool acts as a sedative effect. Brain wave activity, autonomic nervous system response, and mood states were affected by lavender oil which causes blood pressure reduction and relieves depression and stress.

Ylang-Ylang: Ylang-ylang is an intense and luxurious oil and is probably one of the most complete essential oils to have. It’s very efficient as a mood enhancer, boosting self – esteem, reducing depression, and alleviating anxiety when inhaled. Research shows that it can also lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, and alleviate headache and pre – menstrual pain.

Additional information

Weight80 kg
Dimensions10 × 10 × 4 cm

How does it work?

Chose the desired cap. Open the lid and inhale the essential oil fragrance during 10 seconds. Allow time for the product to take effect. It is recommended to wait a minimum of 4 hours before repeating the inhalation. Do not exceed 4 inhalations per day. Can be used for 2 months after the product opening.

Inhale for
ten seconds

wait 4 hrs before
inhaling same oil

Do not exceed 8
inhalation / day

Use for two
month after open

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