Work Kit

Perfect for dedicated people that needs a natural boost to Strive at work and overcome obstacles.

Memory Boost: Sage essential oil boosts your memory
Clear Mind: Basil oils clear your mind
Energy Boost: Cedar wood boosts your energy



Sage Oil: Inhaling S age essential oil constituents have previously been shown to inhibit cholinesterase ( this word could redirect to a link that explains it on google) and improve cognitive function. Sage oil may improve the performance of secondary memory and attention tasks, reduce mental fatigue and increase alertness

Basil Oil: When used in aromatherapy, Basil Essential Oil is ideal for soothing or eliminating headaches, fatigue, and sadness. It is also known to increase psychological endurance. Basil essential oil is perfect for those who suffer from poor concentration. In summary, this oil is perfect to clear your mind at work..

Cedar woods: Cedarwood is often used in aromatherapy thanks to its power to relieve tension and stress. Its active compounds include cedrol, which is a natural sedative, as well as having the ability to stimulate serotonin production. When serotonin is at normal levels, you feel more focused, emotionally stable, happier, and calmer. Having all those uplifting effects cedar woods is the best for boosting your mental energy at work while keeping your body calm.

Additional information

Weight80 kg
Dimensions10 × 10 × 4 cm

How does it work?

Chose the desired cap. Open the lid and inhale the essential oil fragrance during 10 seconds. Allow time for the product to take effect. It is recommended to wait a minimum of 4 hours before repeating the inhalation. Do not exceed 4 inhalations per day. Can be used for 2 months after the product opening.

Inhale for
ten seconds

wait 4 hrs before
inhaling same oil

Do not exceed 8
inhalation / day

Use for two
month after open

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